Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My Goals for 2008

yup..this time to set up my goals....hehehehehehe... ok. it is a TARGET, i must be very happy if i could achieve that.amien. here are the lists:
  1. Khatam Al-Quran (hufff....what happen with me, man?).
  2. Pass my Sand Control School at Melun, France (in April-May).
  3. Pay the premi-bill (huehehehehe....).
  4. Break-out my Junior Field Specialist and become to Field Specialist 1.
  5. Trying something fun and challanging (scuba-diving, Bungee-Jumping,etc).
  6. Give something special and useful for mya Parents, GF, and my neighborhood.

c'mon Damar...Start to run...................!!!!!


Mira Maulia said...

Udah tengah taun ginih.. mana yg dah terwujud, bro?
Bdw, masih inget sayah?

DamaR said...

Mira... baru sekarang aku bisa balas postingan kamu yah... huehehehe... maklum, gw lupa kalo gw punya blog... hahahaha... konyol... alhamdulilah target 2008 di atas terpenuhi semua kecuali nomor 1... huhuhuhu.. parah banget yah gw... :(
i still remember you sis, but we don't ever start to chat each other...hihihihi... keep in touch yah nduk.. ;)