Monday, April 25, 2011

The Broken Ship

i remember, i walked away from the coast

i still remember, i had ever a ship there... a broken ship that i built for 7 years over.... even i hadn't started to sail on it.

one thought that might be i wouldn't come back to that coast...

or just might be sailing on the sea was only a dream.... totally a tale.

but now...

it's changed. I encourage my self to fix my ship up.

then with the blessing time.

i will ask you to sail with me.... would you, dear ?

April 24th 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

now I am just RIGHT

I left all the things which made me falling down before.

im so exhausted living in the left... honestly.

i choose right, with the whole of uncertainty.

with all my right, i left it all behind.

Jakarta, April 1st 2011
1:11 PM

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Hope

Masih ada 1 urusan yang belum selesai, saya mengatakan "belum" bukan "tidak"...

Balikpapan, March 10th 2011

p.s: Semoga tahun ini ya Allah, amin..... :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Teropong Bintang

Ini teropong bintang....

yang kamu idamkan sejak lama,

sekarang tidak usah lagi meneropong dengan menggulung kertas koran :)

kalau kamu perhatikan seksama...

bintang-bintang itu, tidak diam.....

bergerak dan terus bergerak... sampai cahayanya redup.

dan kamu pun akan tahu, kalau rasi bintang yang indah itu bukanlah kebetulan

begitupun kamu, perhatikan dengan seksama... tanpa sadar kamu pun bergerak :)

karena aku yang memakai teropong bintangnya sekarang....

Makassar Strait, February 6th 2011
09:09 AM

Friday, January 21, 2011

How do We Meet ?

when she choose the moon to be her world.

then i like actually Saturnus to be mine with his gorgeous ring.... i dont know why.

i think it's still coincidentally things... but she refused it. :p

yeah, she loves all galaxy and constellation with all its friends... :)

just keep on eye and remain each other... although we have our own "busy world" .

the question is "How do we meet ?"

i will say easily "Just go down to earth...." :)

BAlikpapan, Jan 21st 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sebuah awal

ahhhhh.... it's such a perfect day....

thanks God, finally i met her...

sebuah awal... semoga niat baiknya dimudahkan, aminnn.... :)

Jakarta, January 16th 2011

*speechless pertama kali liat, too serious conversation, french fries with iced lemon tea, hujan, gondola, jaim, the past story, ipod songs, warmth hugs, gado gado, vitamin with artificial tear drops...


i want to be your brighter and laughter with all positivity.... so you may keep your chin up and be happy... wherever you are, whoever you are...

Later WM.... :)