Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Weirdo Reviewo of 2010

Setelah selesai nonton bola semifinal piala AFF Indonesia vs Philipine ( 1-0 final score, Gonzales 43') bareng anak2 kosan (indra, antony, kiwil, djen) di kamar si Hary. Saya pun kembali ke kamar dengan agak gontai...

Suara saya habis teriak2 dukung timnas kita bareng teman2.. yah, walaupun gak bisa langsung nonton di stadion Gelora Bung Karno. It was fun enough... :)

then i opened up my notebook, and started to surfing some stuffs, which is not so important (jangan harap buka email kantor atau mau buka persiapan project well/sumur berikutnya, apalagi mulai skripsi...)
saya cuma buka situs jejaring sosial punyanya si Mark Zuckerberg sama kicauan kicauan yang sangat update yang kadang ngalahin kecepatan narasumbernya itu sendiri.... :P

isinya hampir sama... riuh gemuruh menyeluruh teriak-teriak atas kemenangan timnas...

bosan di sana, saya beralih ke YM dan BBM....
rata2 statusnya "available", but i know it's not meant like that... ok, skip that.

dan pada akhirnya buka blogger dan menuliskan postingan gak jelas ini...hehehe.
udah Desember nih... saya pun juga harus review 2010, afterwards i must make 2011 Goals... kalo gak lupa deh, atau nanti 2011 gak ada junstrungannya... -___-!


everything was look sooooo fine... kerjaan lancar (sempat loan ke Pekanbaru, sama ke Islamabad, Pakistan.... through Thailand, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Singapore...) banyak belajar mental merantau, kerja sama orang luar, adaptasi budaya.... bla bla bla. terrific...!

Kuliah kacau... 2 semester nihil nyatronin kampus... alasannya ? kuliah nya gak nyediain kelas conferrence call sih... :P ahahaha. too much excuses damenkkk.

Knee Injured.... dislokasi tempurung.. Kiri dan kanan, sampai sekarang yang kiri belum fit bener... yahhh hati-hati saja damenk.

yup... kembali loaned ke pakistan... kampus semakin berantakan... -__-!

positive side on this quarter, i met up Mba Runinta, she's the Financial Planner ( THanks to Twitter so we could meet). Intinya sih, dia bantu saya untuk ngatur cashflow supaya gak jadi boros. :D

di quarter ini, banyak waktu sering pulang ke JAkarta... bertemu orang tua. alhamdulilah...

still fine, dapat kesempatan training ke Labuan, Malaysia... tapi anehnya sering berantem ma boss, mau boss jepun atau venezueala.. "F" words was getting used to... harus mikirin masa depan di tempat ini sepertinya... -__-!

i got an opportunity to continue my Foster Father program... Ajat dan Ulfah. Alhamdulilah,.. mereka masih bisa lanjut sekolahnya.. someday kita ketemu ya adik-adik...
you can get the same opportunity as well... just click
Thx to ibu Fitriana dan MAs Sophian... (lain kali kita ketemu yah.. )

demotivated sama kerjaan.. eh ralat, bukan kerjaannya, i love my jobs honestly not my management. dorongan untuk mencari tempat baru semakin kuat....

Hubungan roman picisan yang kandas... berarti yaaa mulai baru lagi. Efek ini sangat besar secara psikologis ternyata, ngaruh ke kerjaan juga... sial.

Ahh.. Generally sepertinya itu aja review 2010, saya malas membahas lebih detail... :P

hmm.. Still a lot of things to do to be better... rather than just sitting and doing nothing. :D

Tiang listrik deket kosan dah dipukul 1 kali sama pak hansip... tanda jam 1 pagi.. see you soon temans. i just wanna share.

oiya, buat Cahya di Amsterdam... terima kasih untuk waktunya ya. :) semoga tanganmu lekas sembuh.. salam buat papamu. Semoga Novel "Negeri van Oranje" nya kesampean bisa ke tangan kamu deh... hehehe.

Affini, i like your status "people change life goes on".... semoga bisa ketemu sebelum kamu overseas... mau nawarin project bareng euy... :D

Indra, Kiwil, Antony, Djen, Harry, mbak saripit... thanks yowww for the kosan gank... i always count on you guys... :D

De' Fina, akhirnya sempet ketemu yah... hahahaha... salam buat keluarga...

Jalal,,,, i missed you a lot bro... gimana pembangunan rumah di wasior ? PMI pasti seneng punya anggota kayak kamu lal... proud of you !!!

Balikpapan, December 20th 2010

"you.. yeah you :) maybe i'm not worthed to you... or maybe the worth of mine is not for you" thanks a lot... :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Cause the only one person whom i want to exceed his limit is only you ... Dad. :)

so you can always be proud of me....

December 14th, 2010

"after couple hours we spent tonight with discussion talking about me, lovely mom, sisters, family, women, life, love, future, troubles make wiser, jokes, aphorism, experience, etc."

and even i am a man now, im still your little boy... LOL. don't worry dad. i will be fine.

Bangkirai Hills, East Borneo

Went somewhere to get lost, and saw how humble we were on God's eye....

so i (with indra, kiwil, and nugroho) went through Bukit Bengkirai /Bengkirai Hills (93 km from Balikpapan) just wanted to trekking the hills either wanted to know wheter there was something exciting there.

Sunny Day, or you might called it Sunday :P... perfect sky, good friends... what else did you need to be waiting for ?
once touched down there, we started trekking... actually it's not the wild track, it was an artificial one. i asked the local people if i wanted to get the wild one you had to take another route, then you would find the wild... hehehe. Thanks, sir... i was not prepared yet. No Backpack... might be next time pak.

just took 20 mins, to reach the main point which called "Canopy Bridge". It was about Trees Bridge with height approx. 30-40 metres connected with slings rope and wood stepping...
the great things was... when you reached on top... you got the perfect view from there... Mahogani trees, Bangkirai Trees, etc. (definitely big trees.....sure).
we took some pics there, expressed our feel.... forgot about bloody jobs, problems, whatsoever....
then we are drowned by excitement.

at the end of the story, it was awesome.... further when you could kill your time not only sitting in your empty room... get up, and get life..... :)

December 12th 2010

note: i am just trying to keep myself busy... as hectic as i could. I know the memory is standing still. but i have to continue my journey... :)

poto lainnya nyusul yo... lama beud uploadnya... hehehe