Monday, June 28, 2010

Still the same

it was started when you prefered 1 Bear Brand Milk than Milo.

then you were joking to me and said "Why are you so nice to me ?"

I just smiled you up and left you there...

"Because I care..." and that's enough for me.

Balikpapan, June 27th 2010
13:30 WITA

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy to play the ball...

So so happy to play the ball again.... :)

walopun masih nyut nyut nyut.. lutut kaki kanan, membuat saya terjatuh... mati rasaaaaa...
ini lutut kanan diapain yaks ? susah banget biar gak sakit lagi.... :(

tapi gapapa (untungnya.... :P ) , istirahat sebentar sudah hilang lagi sakitnya...

got plenty times to forget the job for a while.....
spent it wisely.... :) :) :)

atas ki-ka: yogi, jimbon, eky, ferdie, hardi
bawah ki-ka: damenk, agus, tyo, ivan, si abang (anak buah si Hardi... hehe)

eniwei, i cut my hair off... :P gak ada niatan apa2 sih... waktu pas potong rambut saya tanya ke mas mas yang motong... " Mas, motong yang paling gampang diapain ?"
"yaaa...dibotakin tho yo mas... sat set sat set... cepet rampung dadine...." dia bilang gitu.. ya oke lah...
buat mas mas itu senang aja. mungkin dia pengen cepet pulang malam mingguan (karena kebetulan saya potong di sabtu sore... :P)

mirip si "Hanamichi Sakuragi" gak ? :P :P :P

source gambar hanamichi :

Balikpapan, June 26th 2010
10:10 am

Friday, June 11, 2010

No Words and Voice

That man
just sitting at the edge on the helideck corner
seeing through the deep blue sea under the sky

for all these presents, all these God's gifts...
wish i got one more day and night to enjoy the same last star shining
or at least see my dolphins dancing again at 11

No words and voice now
just speak with silence

"I will never be lonely..."

Makassar Strait, December 2008

Monday, June 7, 2010

La Familia



Mbak Indah the oldest sister with si Ega

Mbak Uyung (left) and the kids... :)

me and Bapak

those all my Half Life... and the rest are God's.

Parents, Siblings, safe Home, and faith to God...

what else do we need...? should be ENOUGH. Alhamdulilah...

Java Sea, Somewhere between Madura Island and Surabaya
22:46 WIB

dedicated to :

Someone, who has them all grateful for that.

someone who thinks God's not fair.... contemplate your mind.

Someone, who wish to have them all completely... you'll get that.

Someone, who loose some of them... do not be so sad, you'll be united someday.

Someone, who misses them so much.... it's never too late to say " I miss you".

Someone, who regrets disparting the relationship... come after them.

Someone, who being selfish with them... just hug and say true sorry.

I Love you all.... :)